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Golden Age Club

What we do

Golden Age Club to promote the well-being of Asian American seniors living in Elgin and Chicagoland. We are proud to involve Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Lao, Thai, Cambodian and many other communities.


Recognizing that a strong indicator of longevity for the elderly is social connectedness, the Golden Age Club promotes senior citizens’ well-being by offering opportunities for seniors to interact with one another on a regular basis. Seniors engage in a variety of activities including field trips, lunch and learns, arts and crafts, dancing, sewing/knitting, and civic engagement. Field trips include Senior Holiday Celebration, Summer Outing/Picnic, State Fair and Cultural Lunar New Year Celebration.


Sign-up for Golden Age Club Chicago: ​


Sign-up for Golden Age Club Elgin:


All Locations Are Open Via Appointment. Contact Us Today.
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