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SBDC at CMAA was Nominated for Top 100 Nominee for Chicago Innovation Award

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Illinois Small Business Development Center at CMAA

The Illinois Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Chinese Mutual Aid Association (CMAA) is part of a nationwide network of centers that promote entrepreneurship, small business growth and the U.S. economy through no-cost, confidential consulting for new and established "for-profit" businesses and entrepreneurs.

Vision: To provide professional guidance for business

Mission: To be the trusted network for business creation and growth across Illinois

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Services Include:

  • One-on-one no cost business advice and management assistance

  • Assistance with the development of business plans

  • Help with accessing market information and the development of marketing plans

  • Assistance with accessing business financing programs

  • Assistance with financial analysis and planning

  • Access to business education and training opportunities

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Please contact the center at

(224) 350-2946

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Chicago Flavas

“Partnering with the SBDC and APEX teams, including Edgar, Chettha, Ian, and Ashley, from Chinese Mutual Aid Association, has been a rewarding experience. Their support and expertise have greatly enriched Chicago Flavas, fostering professional connections that amplify our business and community impact!”

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Upcoming Events:

Schedule an appointment with the Illinois SBDC at
Chinese Mutual Aid Association today!

Chettha Saetia

Edgar Jimenez

Jin Lee

Director of SBDC & Business Advisor

Business Advisor

Business Advisor

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Past Webinars:

As a Lawyer, These are the 5 Reasons Most Businesses Fail (Webinar)

As a Lawyer, These are the 5 Reasons Most Businesses Fail (Webinar)

Lawyer Q&A Webinar: Presented by the Illinois SBDC at CMAA and The Law Office of Lofgren & Wentworth, P.C. Join us for this LIVE Q&A session with a licensed attorney / small business expert. A whole hour dedicated to answering your business related questions and concerns, offering legal advice you can implement throughout the year. About our attorney: Charles G. Wentworth, Esq.Charles attended law school at the University of Utah where he was a legal-writing teaching assistant and participated in moot court and law review. He then clerked for Chief Justice John Broderick of the New Hampshire Supreme Court before becoming a commercial litigation associate at Kirkland & Ellis LLP in Chicago. Charles then joined The Law Office of Lofgren & Wentworth, P.C. as a shareholder after running a successful solo practice. Charles focuses his practice on business advice, property and appellate litigation, estate planning, and probate. His clients include large and small companies, individuals, private equity groups, commercial and residential landlords and tenants, condominium associations, and contractors. He is also very active in the Illinois State and DuPage County Bar Associations, where he often lectures and writes about the law. He has served as a member and in the leadership of the following sections: Law Practice Management & Technology; Professional Responsibility; Appellate Law & Practice; Alternative Dispute Resolution; and Civil Law & Practice. And he serves as an officer and director of multiple closely-held companies and non-for-profit organizations, including one engaged in the purchase and leasing of various commercial properties. All of these business and professional activities give him practical business and real estate experience that he shares with his clients. Charles handles a wide variety of matters: Successfully vacated $472,000 federal-court judgment against his client. Won trial against client’s former commercial tenant for unpaid rent, and handling multiple other commercial landlord-tenant disputes and evictions. Advises small-business clients on estate and succession planning for themselves and their companies. Represent condominium association on various matters, including contract disputes and enforcement of condo declaration and bylaws. Prosecuted two multi-million dollar commercial mortgage foreclosures, including having a receiver appointed and defending against various mechanics liens. Defended nation-wide publishing company against $2.7 million breach of contract and fraudulent transfer claims. Advised clients on voting procedures in condominium board election, resulting in them being elected to all open seats on the condo board of directors. Pursued multiple mechanics liens by contractors and their assignees in Cook, Kane, Kankakee, and Will Counties, both at trial and on appeal. Successfully defended client in litigation related to breach of non-compete agreement brought by client’s former employer. Negotiated settlement of dispute related to sale of client’s company. Brought replevin, detinue, and breach of equipment lease claims against company for failing to return $20,000 machine when lease ended. Wrote motion to reconsider order regarding condominium assessments. Filed multiple appellate and amicus briefs in the Illinois Courts of Appeals, Illinois Supreme Court, various federal appellate courts around the country, and the United States Supreme Court.

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The Illinois Small Business Development Center at Chinese Mutual Aid Association is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity  and the U.S. Small Business Administration

All Locations Are Open Via Appointment. Contact Us Today.
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